development theories

Cards (11)

  • modernisation theory
    • developed by rostow in 1960
    • created to explain dominance of british empire and the USA
    • 5 stages countries go through as they develop
  • stages of development (first 2)
    1. traditional society- very slow development in localised ways
    2. preconditions to take off- growth of trade, supported by advancements in technology/communication and government/financial systems
  • stages of development(last 3)

    3)take-off= development of manufacturing industries
    4)drive to maturity=increasing levels of disposable income and strong domestic market for goods
    5)high mass consumption= increasily urban society with lots of disposable income and consumption of goods
  • critisism of modernisation theory
    • good for explaining economical development , but no political or cultural development needed to become a superpower
  • dependancy theory
    • recognises development not a linear progression
    • development is set on relationships between developed countries(core economies) and developing countries(periphery economies)
  • role of the core economy
    • provides periphery with manufactured goods, aid and FDI(economic) cultures,political ideas(politcal and cultural) as well as pollution and waste management(enviro)
  • role of periphery
    • provides core with raw materials, cheap products eg sugar, cheap labour and debt repayements
    • periphery can become exploited by the core, slowing its development and increasing cores development
  • superpowers(core)
    • control the value and volume of trade- allows them to protect their status as they control how much economic power developing nations gain
  • critisism of dependancy theory
    • not all countries belong to a core or periphery
    • NICS such as singapore have been able to develop independantly
  • world systems theory
    • attempts to model the complexity of relationships that exist between countries
    • expanded dependancy theory to include semi-periphery, made of emerging economies and NICS= able to dominate periphery but not the core
    • countries can move between regions over time as develop or decline-not possible in dependancy theory
  • critisism of world systems theory
    • describes which countries have power and wealth but not why they do