To prepare for judgement

Cards (16)

  • Adam and Eve brought about pain and suffering when they introduced Original Sin
  • The idea that Jesus's death can "make up" for human sin is called the Doctrine of Atonement
  • "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" - 2 Corinthians 5:19
  • The closest meaning of atonement is reconciliation, Jesus reconciles God to the world
  • Medieval churches depict the Last Judgement through doom paintings
  • doom paintings were important as people could not read and services were in Latin
  • Eschatology- study of the life, death and afterlife
  • The introduction of the King James bible made it so more people could read and interpret the bible themselves
  • the parable of sheep and goats (Matthew 25) tells us about how we are judged by our actions towards others
  • The parable of the sheep and the goat
    • all those who have died will be raised and judged
    • those who treat others with compassion and justice will be welcomed into heaven
  • Liberal christians
    • do not accept dramatic nature of judgement day
    • existing in the presence of God is the outcome of striving for moral perfection
    • being born of spirit and living eternal life is a quality of life
  • links to soul making theodicy
  • Evil exists to allow humans to achieve a likeness with God
  • Evil allows humans to grow and develop virtues
  • people have free will to overcome evil
  • Hick believes in:
    • religious pluralism
    • There are multiple roads to heaven
    • everyone has the opportunity to do good and overcome evil