Step 1: take a boiling tube and place it 10cm away from an LED light source (because it emits less heat)
Step 2: fill the boiling tube with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution which releases carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis
Step 3: put a piece of pond weed into the boiling tube with the cut end at the top and leave for 5 minutes (to acclimatise to the conditions of boiling tube)
Step 4: start a stop watch and count the number of bubble produced in one minute
Step 5: repeat two more times to calculate the mean number of bubbles produced in one minute
Step 6: repeat all steps with different distances away from the light (20cm, 40cm, 60cm)
number of bubbles can be too fast to count accurately or bubbles may not be the same size
solution: place the pondweed under a funnel and catch bubbles in a measuring cylinder, to measure the volume of oxygen produced