Subdecks (1)

Cards (12)

  • forms 2 genetically identical daughter cells
  • daughter cells are diploid
  • there is no crossing over or no homologous pairs
  • interphase (not part of mitosis)

    chromosomes extend and replicate (not visible)
    centrioles are replicated
    nucleus is visible
    nuclear envelope is present
  • prophase
    chromosomes condense and become visible
    nucleus disappears
    nuclear envelope breaks down
    spindle apparatus composed of spindle fibres form
    centrioles move to opposite poles
  • metaphase
    nuclear membrane completely breaks down
    chromosomes align in the equator of the cell
    each chromosome is attached to a spindle fibre by its centriole
  • anaphase
    centromere of each chromosome splits
    chromatids are formed
    move to centrioles at the poles of the cell
    chromatids are now separated
  • telophase
    nuclear membrane reforms around each of newly divided chromosomes
    nucleolus reforms
    spindle fibres disappear
    chromosomes extend and become invisible
  • cytokinesis
    division of all the other material in the cell
    results in formation of 2 new daughter cells