multi store memory model

Cards (11)

  • sensory register

    Where information comes into the brain from the senses
    Information is at the same format as its recieved
    Information from senses goes into the register, small amount is tended too
    Lasts for 2 seconds
    Capacity - unlimited
    Mode of representation- modality specific
  • short-term memory

    Stores information in auditory form
    Information can last up to 30 seconds
    If information is rehearsed in STM it passes to LTM
    Any information not rehearsed is lost from STM
    Capacity : 5-9 chunks
    Mode of representation - auditory
  • long-term memory

    Capacity : unlimited
    Duration : unlimited
    Mode of Use for representation - semantic but can also be acoustic or visual
  • Displacement theory of forgetting

    A reason for forgetting, rehearsal loop in STM has limited capacity.
    Information from the model is not well recalled probably because it didn't go from rehearsal loop to LTM
  • Displacement theory - primacy effect

    Information learned first is well remembered
  • Displacement theory - recency effect
    Information learned last is well remembered
  • interference theory of forgetting

    the theory that forgetting is caused by other memories impairing the retention or retrieval of the target memory.
  • interference theory of forgetting - proactive interference

    When something learned earlier interferes with current learning
  • interference theory of forgetting - retroactive

    Something learned later gets in the way of something learned previously
  • Strengths of MSM

    - Supporting evidence
    - HM case study gives physiological support aswell as CW . Hippocampus hold STM
    - Shows they have separate stores - Baddeley conducted an experiment and found that semantic words were more difficult to recall, suggests encoding in STM and LTM were different
  • Weaknesses of MSM

    - Experiments use artificial tasks, so might not be valid
    - Alternative explanations
    - Too simplistic an explanation , working memory was done to provide more knowledge
    - Emphasis given to rehearsal in transfer of information from STM to LTM