What is astrology and how was it used? (c1250-c1500)
The alignment of planets and stars
it was used to helpdiagnose illnesses
What were the 4 humours and who theorised this?
Blood , Phlegm , Yellow Bile , Black Bile
Who was Hippocrates?
Ancient Greek doctor, his books and ideas were very influencial :
He believed there was a physical reason for illness
He wrote the hippocratic oath
Religious and supernatural methods (medieval)
Chanting incantations
Carrying lucky charms
Rational Methods (medieval)
Purifying the air
Bathing and washing
Keeping streets clean
Blood-letting and purging
Not overeating
What was Miasma?
The theory that disease spread through foul smells or odour.
When was the Black Death?
When was the Printing Press developed, by who and when did it become influencial?
The Renaissance period
When did Thomas Sydenham work as a doctor in London?
1660s and 70s
What was the name of Thomas Sydenham's book he published in 1676?
Observationes Medicae
What were Thomas Sydenham's Biggest Ideas?
Clinical Observation
Treating the disease not just symptoms
What was Galen's Theory and what did it entail?
Theoryofopposite - the idea that if someone was ill one of the 4humours was imbalanced and to balance it they had to do the opposite to the humour that was affected.
What did King Charles II do?
Granted a royal charter to the Royal Society.
What did the Royal Society Do?
Recordedresults of experiments, shared scientificknowledge, sponsored scientists
What journal did the Royal Society publish?
1665 - Philosophical Transactions : in which scientists could share their work and ideas.
When did Vesalius study medicine?
1533 - in Paris
What was the name of the book Vesalius published and when?
1543 - On the Fabric of the Human Body
When was the great plague?
Ways historians divide up time
Decades (10 years)
Centuries (100 years)
Periods (e.g. Industrial Revolution)
Historians agree the Industrial Revolution lasted from about 1750 to 1900</b>
The 20th century was from 1900 to 1999
The First World War was in the 20th century, from 1914 to 1918
Determining which century a year is in
Cover up the last two digits, add 1 to the first two digits
Determining century
1584 is in the 16th century
1275 is in the 13th century
2010 is in the 21st century
1899 is in the 19th century
654 is in the 7th century
Dates are read as the full four digits, not just the first two
Creating a timeline
1. Draw a line 27cm long, mark off 3cm sections for each century
2. Label the centuries 12th, 13th, etc.
3. Add dates for each century (1100-1199, 1200-1299, etc.)
Types of information to add to timeline
Key events
Life expectancies
Medical events
The Middle Ages were c.1250-1500, the Renaissance 1500-1700, the Industrial Revolution 1700-1900, the Modern period 1900-present
The first hospitals in Britain were around in the 13th century, but were more about hospitality than medical care
Hospitals in Britain
First appeared around 13th century, originally places of hospitality for the sick and travellers
Dissection banned by Catholic Church in 14th century, made studying human body difficult</b>
First proper dissections occurred during Renaissance, 16th-17th centuries
Blood circulation
Discovered by William Harvey in 17th century
Smallpox inoculations
First tried in 18th century, precursor to vaccinations
Increasingly introduced in late 18th and 19th centuries to fight smallpox and other diseases
Discovered around middle of 19th century, work of Louis Pasteur
Set up in 1948
Discovered in 1953
Life expectancy increased from around 32 in 14th century to 40 in 17th century, 65 by mid-19th century, 78 by end of 20th century
High infant/child mortality skewed early life expectancy figures