The placeboeffect is when a subject receives an inert (lacking an anticipated chemical or biological action) treatment and improves because of positive expectancies.
Balancing controls extraneous physical variables by equally distributing their effects across treatment conditions.
Contextvariables are extraneous variables produced by experimental procedures created by the research setting environment, like assignment of participants to conditions.
Single-blindexperiments only control demand characteristics, since subjects are blinded to their condition.
Physical variables are aspects of the testing situation that need to be controlled
If you do not select your subjects randomly, your sample will be biased, resulting in less generalizability
Social variables are aspects of the relationships between subjects and experimenters that can influence experimental results.
The Rosenthal effect is the phenomenon in which experimenters treat subjects differently based on their expectations and their resulting actions influence subject performance.
Elimination completely removes extraneous physical variables from the experimental situation (e.g., soundproofing a room).
When there is a single experimenter, minimize face-to-face contact and closely followthe script.
Demandcharacteristics are cues within the experimental situation that demand or elicit specific participant responses.
How might an experimenter's personality affect experimental results?
Research on experimenter personalityshows that when experimenters are warm and friendly, subjectslearn more, talkmore, earnbettertestscores, andareeagertoplease.
Hostile or authoritarianexperimentersobtaininferiorsubjectperformance.
A coverstory is a false plausible explanation of the experimental procedures to disguise the research hypothesis from the subjects.
Constancyofconditions controls extraneous physical variables by keeping all aspects of the treatment conditions identical, except for the independent variable.
In a single-blind experiment, subjects are not told their treatment condition.
2 kinds of context variables: (1) those that occurwhensubjectsselecttheirown experiments; (2) those produced when experimenters select theirownsubjects.
Selecting your friends might bias your sample, threateningexternalvalidity.
Double-blindexperiments control both demand characteristics and experimenter bias, since both the experimenter and subjects are blinded.
The more extraneous variables we control, the more we increase internalvalidity, particularly when we control variables that can change along with the IV.
Experimenterbias is any behavior by the experimenter that can confound the experiment.
How can experimenters control personality variables?
Employ multipleexperimenters to run an equalnumberofsubjectsineachoftheexperimentalconditions (balancing).
Treat “experimenter” as an independentvariable in statistical analysis. If an interaction is found, then the experiment was confounded.
Because subjects do not know what to expect, changes in their behavior are more likely be caused by the IV.
This include subject recruitment, selection and assignment procedures, which may be controlled with some forethought.
Context variables
Removal of extraneous physical variables prevents them from operating differently across different treatment conditions.
This is also called the Pygmalion effect and self-fulfilling prophecy
Rosenthal effect
These include demand characteristics and experimenter bias.
Both you and your friends might actdifferently in your experiment than strangers.
Effects of Demand characteristics:
They may lead participants to formhypotheses—eithercorrectorincorrect— about the nature of the experiment.
Some participants may react in a compliantway to “help” the experimenter’s efforts, whereas others may react in a defiantway to “hinder” the experimenter’s efforts.
Other participants may simply perform in a way they think is expected of them.
How can experimenters control personality variables?
Videotape sessions to confirm consistent performance.
When subjects are not told their treatment condition, this eliminates cues that might alter their behavior.
The variables may be controlled with the use of single- and double-blind experiments.
The Rosenthal effect can confound an experiment, producing results consistent with the experimenter’s expectations.
These may be addressed using control techniques so that the chances of an internally valid experiment can be attained.
Physical variables
They should be used sparingly, since they are a form of deception
cover story
In a well-constructed experiment, the IV not the extraneous variables, caused the effects – the experiment is high in internal validity. By also controlling the extraneous variables, we may be reducing external validity.
Whatever the case, demand characteristics can affect the quality of the experiment.
In Physical variables, the techniques include: elimination, constancyofconditions and balancing.
Control for this possible threat by constructingprocedures for acquiring subjects as carefully as you plan your experimental procedures.