Key Question 7- labour government dealing problems

Cards (19)

  • The Beveridge report 

    1942- William Beveridge published his report that recommended way that Britain could rebuild the country after war
  • The Beveridge report 

    Declared that the 5 giants need to be addressed- Squalor, Want, Idleness, Ignorance and Disease.
  • The Beveridge report
    To help tackle the 5 giants he proposed setting up a welfare state
  • The Beveridge report 

    Pensions and unemployment insurance would be extended, new free health service and help families struggling
  • The Beveridge report 

    Recommended a compulsory insurance scheme whereby all workers should contribute in order to pay for new services
  • The Beveridge report 

    Aimed to ensure British people were look after from ‘cradle to the grave
  • Labours successes/failures 

    Successes- addressed most social and economic problems successfully
  • Labours successes/failures 

    Successes- adopted the Berveridge report as a method of reconstructing Britain
  • Labours successes/failures
    successes- provided free education through the 1944 education act
  • Labours successes/failures 

    successes- addressed problems of squalor through ministry of town and country planning and new towns act
  • Labours successes/failures
    successes- dealt with problems with disease by providing free health care
  • Labours successes/failures 

    successes- nationalisation of coal mines, railways and docks
  • Labours successes/failures 

    failures- not all of the social and economic problems were tackled
  • Labours successes/failures 

    failures- shortage of money slowed down the house building programme, targeted numbers not achieved
  • Labours successes/failures 

    failures- opposition from doctors to the NHS as there would be a loss of private income for them
  • Labours successes/failures
    failures- the cost of the NHS was too great and prescription charges were introduced, even Aneurin Bevin resigned
  • Labours successes/failures

    failures- not enough homes were built and many lived in ‘pre-fabs’ for years
  • Labours successes/failures 

    failures- nationalisation of some industries were unpopular as it was felt too modern
  • Labours successes/failures

    failures- conservative won the general election in 1951 so the labour government did so succeed fully in their social and economic policies