childhood is seen as a separate age status, children are physically and psychologically immature, so need a lengthy period of socialisation and nurturing
western notions of childhood are been globalised by international humanitarian and welfare agencies. They impose the norms of western childhood onto other countries e.g child labour laws
working class children worked in factories and mills
middle class attitudes towards their children began to change as the infant mortality rates fell, so they felt they could create a bond with their children without worrying they would just die. This resulted in policies which excluded children from working in factories and mills were there was a risk they might be killed
children need to be in aadequate families i.e the nucelar family to later properly contribute to society e.g single mother housholds raise delinquent, criminal children
children in poorer families are more likely to die in infancy, to fuffer longstanding illnesses, have low energy which leads to them falling behing in school, be placed on the child register list
children are experiencing toxic childhood due to rapid technological and cultural change which has damged childrens physical, emotional and intelectual development.
e.g junk food, intensive testing in schools, long hours worked by parents
chidlren age 5-15 are much more likely to watch TV on mobile devices, this means they can watch content upsatirs in their rooms where they may be exposed to harmful content