Cards (12)

    • Consumer protection legislation aims to ensure that consumers are treated fairly by the companies with which they interact
    • Legislation covers areas including
    • The safety of products
    • The standard and quality of products
    • The rights of customers if they are unhappy with their purchase
    • The product information that must be given to customers 
  • data protection act 2018
  • consumer protection act 1987- new goods must be safe
  • sales of goods act 1979, sales and supply of goods act 1994 and sales and supply of goods to consumer regulations set out the rights of customers
  • trade description act 1968- business cant mislead consumers
  • The Trade Descriptions Act (1968) requires that businesses don't mislead consumers with false descriptions on packaging or advertising materials
  • Acts related to the rights of customers
    • The Sale of Goods Act (1979)
    • The Sale and Supply of Goods Act (1994)
    • The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations (2002)
  • The rights of customers under these acts
    Goods must be fit for their purpose and of satisfactory quality
  • The Consumer Protection Act (1987) says that new consumer goods must be safe
  • The Data Protection Act (2018) stops the misuse of data
  • The Data Protection Act (2018)

    • Stops firms holding customer data beyond the point it's needed
    • Ensures data is only used for its specified purpose