a post-industrial society in which change is rapid but uneven - people have lost faith in science to bring about progress - so media and technology play a major role. Source of individual identity is becoming more diverse - we are no longer influenced by just our family but also the wider world and there culture.
what do postmodernists society say about the family?
the postmodernist family is more diverse, People construct their own family type and there are fewer rules and norms about what families should be like. This leads to increase in family variety e.g single parent hosueholds and same sex families
how do some criticise the postmodernist view of the family?
the change in soceity has been exaggerated and that we are still living in the modern rather than the post-modernist era. For example, Marxists argued class inequality still exists due to capatilism.
a family that varies accoording to the needs of its members - although its a more equal society it is more unstable as family memebrs can leave when they want.