what are some changes in marriage over last 50 years?
marriage rates have declined
remarriage and serial monogamy have been normalised
same-sex marriage legalised in 2013
changes in divorce?
divorces rates have increased (divorce reform act 1969)
rates were at their lowest in 2018 since 1971
other changes in the family:
women having fewer children (less than 2 vs almost 3 in 1990)
cohabitation has increased and is the fastest growing family type
lone parent families more common
what did young and willmott (functionalist) say about family relationships?
they researched conjugal roles in the family in 1950 & 1970, they found roles were becoming joined, they called this the symmetrical family
what did oakley (feminist) say about the symmetrical family?
she said:
1974, she found that women did the majority of domestic work & childcare
She came up with dual burden- where women do paid work and domestic work
She said Y&W exaggerated the symmetrical family because her research suggests only a very small amount of men in households did domestic work
what is the functionalist view on the family?
vital part of the 'organ analogy' of society and it helps socialise and integrate children into society's value consensus
what did Murdock (functionalist) say about family?
he said the family performs 4 functions: reproduction, satisfaction of sex drive, socialisation, economic function
what does Parsons (functionalist) say about family?
the family has 2 needed functions: primary socialisation of children, stablisation of adult personalities (warm bath theory)
criticisms of functionalist view:
too positive, ignores dark side of family (abuse, divorce)
out of date, doesnt consider other family types
feminists are critical of parsons gender roles
feminist view on family:
the conventional nuclear family is a patriarchal structure, men exercise dominance through money management and decision making
what did Delphy and Leonard (feminists) say about the family:
women hold families together and contribute the most to families while men benefit the most
criticisms of feminist view:
are women as oppressed as they used to be considering changes in last 50 years
marxist view:
families play a key role in the capitalist system and work in the interests of the bourgeoisie, they are also a unit of consumption
what did Zaretsky (marxist) say about the family?
families help to maintain capitalism in society- they provide the illusion of a safe haven away from exploitation at work, meaning workers feel safe at home where they have some control
criticisms of the marxist view:
focuses too heavily on class, not all families support capitalism
ignores the positives of family
new right view on the family:
nuclear families are the key to a successful society
critical of non-nuclear families and changes in family structures
any other family type is inferior and dysfunctional
what did Murray (new right) say about families?
If nuclear families break down, so will society
Lone parent families encourage a dependency culture (benefits) and leads to social underclass
criticisms of the new right view:
many other families are functional and many nuclear families can be dysfunctional