employee legislation

Cards (10)

    • Employee protection legislation aims to prevent the exploitation of workers
    • Pay and working conditions
    • Equality of employment rights for marginalised groups (e.g. those with disabilities) to avoid discrimination
    • The right to belong to a  trade union and take industrial action
    • Contracts and termination of employment
  • labour legislation- equality act 2010, EUs equal treatment directive
  • national minimum wage
  • Health and safety 1974
  • Discrimination affects recruitment. Promotion and pay
  • Employment Tribunals
    Can Settle Disputes
  • If employees feel they've been treated unfairly
    They can make a claim to a tribunal
  • At a tribunal
    1. Representatives of the employer and the employee put forward their cases
    2. A tribunal judge (or sometimes a tribunal panel) decides who's in the right
  • Employer might have to
    Pay compensation or give the employee their job back in an unfair dismissal