Business cycle

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  • The business cycle describes the upturns and downturns in the level of a country’s economic activity (Gross Domestic Product or GDP) over time
  •  recession occurs when an economy experiences two consecutive quarters (6 months) or more of negative economic growth
  • boom is defined as a period of time where an economy experiences increasing/high rates of economic growth
  • recession- Increasing/high unemployment
    • Customers have less  disposable income  and are likely to reduce spending
  • boom- Decreasing unemployment and increasing job vacancies
    • Customers’ disposable income increases leading to higher sales revenue
  • Recession- Low confidence for firms/households
    • Businesses may delay spending decisions and focus on reducing risk and survival
    • Production levels are likely to be reduced
    • BOOM-High confidence and more risky decisions taken-
    • Businesses look to expand and maximise profit
    • Production levels are likely to be increased 
  • Recession- Low inflation or deflation
    • Customers may postpone significant spending decisions leading to lower revenue
  • BOOM-Increasing rate of inflation 
    • Interest rates are likely to rise and the higher cost of borrowing will increase the risk of capital investmen