When the bread and blood has been turned into the body and blood of Jesus, everyone believes that they are saved because of Jesus' death and resurrection
The Gloria is said during Advent or Lent as these seasons are sorrowful periods when the church celebrates the coming of Christ or the suffering of Jesus before his crucifixion
Sung just before the Eucharistic prayer, based on a vision of the prophet Isaiah in the Bible (Isaiah 6:1-3) where he saw angels calling out 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord'
Love can't exist on its own - there must be someone to give it and someone to receive it. Therefore to have love there must be three things: the person who loves, the person who is loved, and the love that unites them. The Trinity can be thought of as three persons united in love
The Son comes from the Father but He did not suddenly come into being - He has always been part of God. The Son is continually, eternally coming from the Father. The Holy Spirit is the love that unites the Father and the Son, and this love constantly pours outwards into the whole of creation. The Son came to earth as Jesus to bring redemption: to bring people back to a relationship with the Father. The Holy Spirit - God's love - is continually guiding believers towards the Father, to complete the work of Jesus' redemption. Once redemption is complete, through the Trinity, all things will be brought back to God
When the apostles went to an area to preach, they chose individuals and lay their hands on them, giving them authority to continue their work of preaching the gospel
The Catholic Church believes that the Holy Spirit guides the Pope and all the Bishops in decision making so whatever they say is accepted by Catholics as the truth, clearly expressed in the magisterial teachings
Comes from the Latin 'magister' which means 'a master', and signifies authority to teach. This authority rests with the Pope and his bishops, and comes from the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to guide the Church at Pentecost