Outline flashcards for the SC

Cards (41)

  • Protective structures of spinal cord
    • Vertebral Column – SC in vertebral canal, held in place by vertebral ligaments
    • Meninges – CT coverings, all continuous into brain and spinal nerves (different names):
    1. Dura mater ("tough mother"), dense irregular CT, most superficial, strongest
    • Subdural space – contains ISF
    2. Arachnoid mater ("spider-like"), thin avascular covering of collagen and some elastic fibers
    • Subarachnoid space – contains cerebrospinal fluid
    3. Pia mater ("delicate"), innermost, transparent CT of thin squamous to cuboidal cells with interlacing collagen, some fine elastic fibers
    • Highly vascularized
    • Adheres to surface of spinal cord & brain
    • Denticulate ligaments extend into arachnoid and dura mater to extend spinal cord
  • Spinal Cord
    Vital link between brain and body
  • Spinal Cord

    • Begins at foramen magnum
    • 3 Functions: Conducts sensory & motor impulses, Outer cord: Ascending tracts - sensory, Descending tracts - motor, Coordination for locomotion
    • Simple repetitive patterns with no sensory feedback
    • Central Pattern Generators (CPG's) - stimulating specific muscles at certain times
    • Reflexes - rapid involuntary response
  • Protective Structures
    • Vertebral column
    • Meninges: Dura mater, Subdural space, Arachnoid mater, Subarachnoid space - CSF, Pia mater
  • Dura mater

    • Continuous from spinal cord, Dense irregular connective tissue, Subarachnoid space - CSF
  • Arachnoid mater

    • Collagen & some elastin, Subarachnoid space - CSF
  • Pia mater
    • Delicate, innermost, Squamous-cuboidal cells, Highly vascularized, Adheres to spinal cord & brain, Denticulate ligaments extend to arachnoid & dura mater
  • External Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

    Oval shaped, flattened anterior/posterior, Medulla oblongata to L2, 2 enlargements: Cervical (C4-T1) - upper limbs, Lumbar (T9-T12) - lower limbs, Conus medullaris (L1-L2) - tapering inferiorly, Filum terminale - extension of pia mater fusing with arachnoid & dura mater, Anchors spinal cord to sacrum
  • Clinical Connection: Spinal Tap vs. Epidural

    Needle inserted into subarachnoid space to draw CSF, provide antibiotics, chemotherapy, anesthetics (spinal), Epidurals are inserted into the epidural space, includes catheter to modulate pain
  • Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

    Anterior median fissure, Posterior median sulcus, Grey matter: Cell bodies of neurons, neuroglia, unmyelinated axons, dendrites, Grey commissure, Central canal - CSF, 3 regions: Anterior/Ventral horn - LMN (motor), Posterior/Dorsal horn - Sensory & interneuron, Lateral horn - autonomic
  • White Matter of the Spinal Cord
    • 3 General Columns: Anterior (ventral) - contralateral sensory (light touch & pain), also motor, Posterior (dorsal) - ipsilateral sensory only (proprioception, touch, vibration), Lateral - ipsilateral sensory & motor
  • Spinal Nerves
    Parallel bundles of neurons & associated neuroglial cells in layers of connective tissue, 31 pairs, each from a segment: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
  • Structure of a Single Nerve
    Nerve fiber = axon + glial cells, Covered by endoneurium, Fasciculus (fascicle) = bundles of fibers, Covered by perineurium, Epineurium = thick outer cover, bundles all fasciculi, continuous with dura mater, thick fibroblasts & collagen, makes up 50% of nerve
  • Organization of Spinal Nerves
    Posterior / dorsal rootlets - axons of unipolar sensory axons, Posterior/dorsal root ganglion - unipolar cell bodies, Anterior / ventral rootlets - axons of multipolar motor axons, Spinal nerve trunk = mixed sensory/motor
  • Branches of a Typical Spinal Nerve

    Posterior ramus - to deep muscles of back/trunk, Anterior ramus - UE/LE, lateral & anterior trunk, Meningeal branch - loops back through intervertebral foramen to vertebrae, vertebral ligament, vessels & meninges, Rami communicantes - autonomic system (white & grey)
  • Cervical Plexus

    C1 - C5, Sensory - skin of posterior scalp to ear & neck, Motor - phrenic n. (C3, C4, C5 keep the diaphragm alive!), infrahyoid & geniohyoid muscles
  • Brachial Plexus

    C5-T1, Passes over 1st rib and under clavicle, Roots > trunks > divisions > cords > branches, Major branches: Axillary n. - deltoid, teres minor, Radial n. - UE extensors (posterior), Musculocutaneous n. - anterior arm, Median n. - anterior forearm/hand, Ulnar n. - ulnar anterior forearm/hand
  • Describe the structure of a nerve
    Describe 4 components of a spinal nerve trunk
  • Major nerve branches from the cervical, brachial, lumbar & sacral plexuses
    • Identify
  • Draw a monosynaptic & disynaptic reflex
    Describe their differences
  • Plexus
    Braid or network
  • Plexuses we will consider

    • Cervical
    • Brachial
    • Lumbar
    • Sacral
  • Cervical Plexus
    • C1 - C5
    • Sensory - skin of post scalp to ear & neck
    • Motor - phrenic n. (C3, C4, C5 keep the diaphragm alive!), infrahyoid & geniohyoid muscles
  • Brachial Plexus
    • C5-T1
    • Passes over 1st rib and under clavicle
    • Roots > trunks > divisions > cords > branches
    • Major branches - Axillary n., Radial n., Musculocutaneous n., Median n., Ulnar n.
  • Remember To Drink Cold Beer!

    • Deep "M"
  • Lumbar Plexus

    • L1-L4
    • Femoral n. - flexes muscles of hip, extends knee
    • Obturator n. - adductors of thigh
  • Sacral Plexus

    • L4 - S5
    • Sup/Infer gluteal nn.
    • Sciatic n. - largest
    • Tibial n. - calf, deep long flexors of leg, intrinsic foot
    • Common fibular n - fibular ms., anterior leg ms., intrinsic foot
  • Dermatomes
    Specific segment of skin supplied by one spinal nerve
  • All spinal nn. except C1 innervate segment of skin
  • Dermatomes are responsible for referred pain
  • Primary functions of the spinal cord
    • Describe 3
  • Protective structures & associated spaces
    • Identify
  • Ascending = Sensory
  • Ascending spinal tracts

    • Posterior column - medial lemniscus
    • Spinocerebellar tract
    • Lateral & anterior spinothalamic tracts
  • Descending spinal tracts

    • Direct Pathways: Lateral & anterior corticospinal tract, Corticobulbar tracts
    • Indirect pathways: Rubrospinal tract, Tectospinal tract, Vestibulospinal tract, Lateral & medial reticulospinal tracts
  • Reflex
    Fast, involuntary sequence of events in response to a stimulus
  • Types of reflexes

    • Innate
    • Acquired
    • Spinal
    • Cranial
    • Somatic
    • Autonomic
  • Components of Reflex Arcs

    • Sensory receptor
    • Sensory neuron
    • Integrating center
    • Motor neuron
    • Effector
  • Classifications of reflexes

    • Monosynaptic
    • Disynaptic
    • Polysynaptic
  • Muscle Spindle Reflex
    Monosynaptic, Excitatory