
Cards (46)

  • how many sacraments are there?
  • sacraments
    • baptism
    • holy communion
    • confirmation
    • reconciliation
    • anointing of the sick
    • marriage
    • holy orders
  • what is a sacrament?
    an outward sign of an inward gift, instituted by christ, in order to give grace to a human being
  • the 7 sacraments impart gods grace
  • form of baptism
    the pouring of water 3 times over the babys head whilst the priest says ' i baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit '
  • why does baptism happen?
    to wash away original sin
  • meaning and effect of baptism
    baptism means bathing
    a person becomes a member of the church through baptism
    the gateway for the other 6 sacraments
  • catechism quote about baptism
    baptism is the basis of the christian life
  • how is baptism celebrated?
    vows are said by the parents and godparents
    water is poured on the childs head
    they are anointed with oil as a symbol that original sin has been removed
  • why is the child anointed with oil in baptism?
    a symbol that original sin has been removed and they are starting a new life in christ
  • form of confirmation
    the laying on of hands and anointing of oil by the bishop
  • why does confirmation happen?
    to strengthen the person by the holy spirit
  • meaning and effect of confirmation
    the holy spirit gives them strength needed to be a mature active catholic christian
    shows the person is now responsible for their own faith as they repeat the vows themselves
  • how does confirmation show the person is now responsible for their own faith?
    they repeat the baptismal vows themselves
  • catechism quote about confirmation
    the person is enriched with the special strengths of the holy spirit
  • how is confirmation celebrated?
    bishop lays hands on persons head symbolising holy spirit coming down
    bishop makes sign of cross in holy oil on their head saying ' be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit '
  • form of reconciliation
    the words of absolution by the priest
  • what is absolution?
    taking away your sins
  • why does reconciliation happen?
    forgiveness of sin
  • meaning and effect of reconciliation
    • it brings forgiveness of sin
    • allows the penitent to recognise they have separated themself from god
    • church says it should be done at least once a year
  • catechism quote on reconciliation
    anyone who is aware they have done a serious sin, must go to reconciliation before receiving communion
  • how is reconciliation celebrated?
    person confesses their sins to the priest
    priest gives advice
    priest gives them a penance
    they are then reconciled with god
  • what is a penance?
    something to do to make up for sin
  • what is contrition?
  • form of anointing of the sick
    the anointing with holy oil
  • why does anointing of the sick happen?
    the giving of healing strength through the holy spirit
  • meaning and effect of anointing of the sick
    strengthening sacrament for anyone who is sick or in danger of death
    reminds the person the whole parish is praying for them
    prepares them for death
    allows sins to be forgiven
    brings comfort
  • catechism quote for anointing of the sick
    its not only for those at the point of death, but anyone who is in danger of death or sickness or old age
  • how is anointing of the sick celebrated?
    priest lays hands on person symbolising the holy spirit coming down
    blesses them with sign of cross in holy oil on forehead
    hears their confession and offers communion
  • marriage form
    the exchange of vows between the couple
  • why do people marry?
    the joining together in sacramental union through the holy spirit
  • meaning and effect of marriage
    it joins people for life so they can love and be faithful to one another
    so they can have a christian family
    so they can comfort and care for one another
  • exchange of rings quote
    take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity
  • how is marriage celebrated?
    partners exchange vows committing life long relationship of love
    exchange rings to symbolise unending love
  • what do the rings symbolise?
    unending love
  • holy orders form
    the bishop laying hands on the person being ordained (as a priest / deacon)
  • matter of holy orders
    the grace of the ministry given to the priest
  • mean and effect of holy orders
    priests are following the example of the apostles
    they have a special calling from god to serve him and his church
    they witness to others that christ is working in the world
  • how is holy orders celebrated?
    priest lies on floor before altar
    bishop lays hands on the candidate calling holy spirit fill the priest
    new priest gets a stole, chalice and paten
  • what do the stole, chalice and paten symbolise?
    the symbols of priesthood