biological approach to treat OCD

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  • Drug therapies

    The primary class of drugs used to control the symptoms of OCD are a group of antidepressant drugs called SSRIs, e.g. Fluoxetine, also known as Prozac.
  • SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors)

    They only influence serotonin in the brain; as reuptake inhibitors, they inhibit (slow down) the reuptake process in the synapse. Therefore, serotonin is still present in the synaptic cleft and continues to stimulate the post synaptic neuron. This decreases OCD by normalising the activity of the worry circuit.
  • Tricyclics and SNRIs

    Anti-depressants that help keep more serotonin and noradrenaline available to your brain - can be effective when SSRIs fail but tend to have more side effects.They block the reuptake of neurotransmitters in presynaptic terminals. This increases the amount.+ Less selective than SSRIs
  • Anti-anxiety drugs

    Anti-anxiety medications (benzodiazepines) enhance the activity of GABA (a chemical in the brain that helps you feel calm).They make you feel drowsy, meaning it is easier to relax.+ Anti-anxiety drugs are effective quicker than SSRIs.
  • + Evidence SSRIS are effective at tackling OCD symptoms
    E - Soomro et al: Studies were reviewed comparing SSRIs to placebos in the treatment of OCD - all 17 studies reviewed showed significantly better results for SSRIs than the placebo. Symptoms decline for around 70% of patients taking SSRIs.
    E - This shows that SSRIs actually work and are not the outcome of a placebo effect.
    L - Therefore, they can help improve the quality of life of people with OCD.
  • + Drug therapies are preferred to other treatments

    E - Drug treatments are a more cost-effective and are non-disruptive to patients lives as they don't have to engage with psychological therapy which has long wait lists + time consuming.
    E - Using drugs to treat OCD is good value for the NHS and has impacts for the economy.
    L - Therefore, drug therapies are the most effective treatment for OCD.
  • / Drug therapies have side-effects
    E - Patients can suffer side effects such as irritability, sleep pattern disturbance, headaches and loss of appetite. Some sufferers would argue that the side effects of the drug are actually worse than OCD itself.
    E - Questions the effectiveness of SSRIs because while they can improve the symptoms of OCD, the side effects may out way the benefits of SSRIs.
    L - Therefore, drug therapy may not be as effective for some patients.
  • / Research is mostly conducted by pharmaceutical companies
    E - Goldacre pointed out that most research studies on drug therapies are conducted by the pharmaceutical companies that created them.
    E - The companies have a financial interest in showing that the drugs are effective and many negative results stay unpublished.
    L - Therefore, any meta-analysis may be skewed, and drug therapies may not be as effective as claimed.