There is an ideology created by criminologists that sanctions=social control, meaning the use of sanctions by society and police are used to control us to make us behave and follow the unwritten and written rules of society
Official guidelines and ideas to prevent crime, such as prison sentences or community orders
Where legal: adultery is legal in most countries like the UK
Where illegal: it's a crime in Africa, Philippines and 21 American states
Why: this law varies because those that have criminalised it are those with religious beliefs like Christianity or Islam that influence law making with few women's rights
Where legal: homosexuality is legal in the UK, America and most western countries
Where illegal: it's is illegal in 72 countries for men and 45 for women
Why: the law varies because of religion like Christianity or Judaism that are traditionally against it, it's also to do with public opinion but is usually influenced by religion
Where illegal: UK, most of Europe and some US states
Why: some see it as morally wrong whilst others see it as a victimless issue and banning it will only increase the use of cannabis instead of controlling the usage
Moral panic (e.g. fear of knife crime=harsher punishment)
Age of criminality (e.g. not criminally responsible UK=10 or lesser sentence depending on age, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables killed James Bulger at the age of 10 and got released at the age of 18)
Lombroso believed that criminals are individuals who failed to evolve at the same pace as the remainder of the human race, and that criminals could be identified by their physical characteristics which indicates their biological inferiority
Lombroso's idea that people were 'born bad' paved the way for later biological theories that emphasised the importance of heredity and later led to genetic explanations for crime that get passed on from generation
Sheldon believed that different features of personality are linked to body type, and using a correlation study, he found that mesomorphs are most likely to commit crimes whilst ectomorphs the least likely
Ectomorph (thin, lean, low muscle and low body fat, self-conscious, fragile, emotionally restraint)
Mesomorph (muscular, strong limbs, broad shoulders, tend to be aggressive and adventurous and seek physical activity and are callous and ruthless in relationships)
Endomorph (round, lack of muscle and wide hips, sociable, relaxed and outgoing)
Less activity in the prefrontal cortex can increase risk taking, emotional and aggression outbursts, argumentative behaviour, loss of control, and an inability to modify behaviour, which could all ultimately lead to violent criminal acts
Less activity in the parietal areas can reduce verbal ability and problems processing social and cognition information, which could lead to educational and occupational failure, which in turn could predispose an individual to crime and violence