
Cards (7)

  • What did Lorenz study ?
    • imprinting in geese
    • goslings imprint on the 1st thing they see
    • important survival mechanism to keep them: safe, warm, food, and learn to swim
  • What was Lorenz procedure ?
    • classical experiment
    • randomly divide a clutch geese eggs in half
    • half hatch in natural environment with the mother
    • half hatch in an incubator where the first thing they see is Lorenz
  • Findings ?
    • incubator group followed Lorenz
    • control group follow the mother
    • even when mixed up they stuck with the person they imprinted on
  • What is imprinting ?

    Bird species are mobile from birth and attach + follow up he first thing they see
    • Lorenz identifies a critical period that imprinting must take place
    • if imprinting doesn’t take place chicks won’t attach to a mother figure at all
  • What is sexual imprinting ?

    the idea there is a relationship between imprinting and adult mate preferences
  • What did Lorenz do to study sexual imprinting ?
    • observed birds who imprinted on humans would later display courtship behaviours towards humans
    • same with peacocks reared in reptile house shows behaviour towards a giant tortoise
  • evaluation
    1. Can’t generalise to humans
    2. human babies born immobile- can’t demonstrate imprinting
    3. counter with other attachment of explanation