
    Subdecks (10)

    Cards (136)

    • How can attachment be observed?
      1. Proximity - stay physically close to those they are attached to
      2. Seperation distress- distressed when those who they are attached to leave their presence
      3. Secure base behaviour-regularly check in and make contact when playing + exploring
    • What are the two main care-giver interactions ?
      1. Reciprocity
      2. international synchrony
    • What is reciprocity ?
      • When each person responds and elicits a response from them
      • builds a basis for trust
      • builds and emotional connection between child and caregiver
      • must be reciprocal between mother and child
      • influences a childs neurological, cognitive and psychological development
    • What is international synchrony ?
      • behaviour of 2 or more individuals become synchronised
      • mother and infant both reflect upon both the actions and emotions of the other in a coordinated way
      • when one has finnished the other takes over
    • What did brazelton find about reciprocity?
      • frozen face study
      • infants became stressed when their mother stopped reciprocating and adopted a passive face
    • what did Meltzoff and Moore (1977) discover about interactional synchrony ?
      • infants as young as 2 weeks old
      • adults expressed one of 3 facial Expressions or gestures
      • infants response was filmed
      • found a association between the adult and infant action
      • important for mother infant attachment
    • What other interactions are there ?
      1. Mimicking (mimic face / body expression)
      2. caregiveresse (speech pattern / tone )
      3. bodily contact (after birth increase attachment )
    • IWhat is evaluation for caregiver infant interactions ?
      1. Isabella et al - 30 babies + mothers observed(association between High synchrony and better attachment )
      2. hard to observe infants- do actions have meaning or are unconscious coincidence
      3. socially sensitive- different child rearing practices influence (mums who go to work quickly restrict chance of synchrony
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