the effects of growing up in an orphanage whilst waiting for adoptions whilst being treated for a physical or mental illness deprived of any emotional care
What was Rutters aim ?
affect of extreme deprivation on infants + if the effects could be overcome by sensitive care
Method ?
165 orphans
consider the effects on physical, mental and emotional development at ages 4.6,11+ 15
whether love and nurture could reverse the effects
What was the IV?
age they were adopted
before 6 months
between 6-2 years
2years +
- control group or 52 + British children who were re adopted at around the same time were used for comparison
What techniques were used ?
Parental reports at 4 and 6 to assess child’s willingness to go off with strangers
at home observation at 6 years to measure over friendly behaviour towards the researcher
parent + teacher reports at 11 years on peer relations
What were Rutgers findings ?
disinhibited attachment
cognitive development
Disinvited attachment ?
those adopted after 6 months developed- pervasive pattern of attention seeking behaviour with a lack of selectivity in social relationships
meaning seek attention in inappropriate ways
Who did disinhibited attachment impact the most ?
rare in control group 3.8%
very common in late adoptees 26.1%
those adopted before 6 months only 8.9%
What did Rutter believe ?
poor quality care with each child in typical care home having 50 carers meant they didn’t see anyone long enough to form a secure attachment
more impact on this exposed to conditions for longest
Cognitive development ?
age of adoption made a difference
half of infants showed signs of mental retardation upon arrival but by age 4 if adopted before 6 months had recovered dramatically and caught up to brittish counterparts
What happened with mean IQ ?
Before 6 months - 102
between 6 months - 2 years - 86
after 6 months -77
differences remained at 16 years
Evaluation ?
Real life application
individual differences
supports importance of critical period
Real life application ?
improve adoption policies and quality of care in instititions
key workers assigned to each child to decrease chance of dissinhibited attachment and increase secure
Individual differences ?
some kids smiled more than others so receive more attention and therefore more likely to recover