Individual - Psychodynamic approach

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  • Freud did not actually work with or treat schizophrenics.He believed that schizophrenics lacked the ability for insight that psychodynamic therapy required, nor would they be able to form the close patient-therapist relationship required in psychoanalysis. In Freud’s time, schizophrenia was known as dementia praecox (‘premature dementia’ or ‘precocious madness’).
  • During the oral stage of psychosexual development, the libido receives satisfaction from stimulation of the lips and mouth. Most of the time the libido’s urges are satisfied by feeding. However, if an infant receives too much or too little oral stimulation during this stage, they may become fixated. Freud believed that individuals with schizophrenia experienced fixation during the first two months of the oral stage of psychosexual development
  • Regression is an ego defence mechanism which causes the ego to retreat to an earlier stage (specifically the oral stage for schizophrenia). As an adult, most people satisfy oral desires through kissing, smoking or chewing gum. However, if an adult experiences an excessive amount of stress, they may regress back to the oral stage. This causes the ego to retreat to an earlier stage where it is much weaker or doesn’t exist. This leaves the id in overall control of the psyche
  • Symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations and delusions, supposedly represent the unchecked activities of the id. The person loses touch with reality as they can no longer distinguish between this and their desires and fantasies. This can lead to narcissistic symptoms such as delusions of grandeur
  • Mother-child relationship

    • Crucial factor in the development of schizophrenia
    • Mothers of schizophrenics are overprotective and controlling but rejecting and distant at the same time
  • Mother's overprotection
    Stifles the child's emotional development
  • Mother's emotional distance

    Deprives the child of personal security, causing them to feel insecure
  • Early childhood experiences
    May explain why many schizophrenics are highly distrustful and resentful towards others
  • Feeling insecure due to mother's emotional distance
    Leaves the person very vulnerable when faced with stress
  • Feeling distrustful and resentful towards others

    Leads to symptoms such as delusions of persecution