How psychologists deal with it

Cards (6)

  • Deception
    researchers must avoid deception unless there is a strong justification or it and must be debriefed as soon as the study has ended.
  • Informed consent

    PP must be informed of all aims and aspects of the study. Usually involves signing a form. If child is taking part then parent must sign for consent.
  • Right to withdraw
    PP must be made aware that they have the right to withdraw their data and themselves from the study at anytime during or after the study and if so the data must be destroyed.
  • Protection from psychological and physical harm

    harm shouldn't be more than they would experience in everyday life or anything that would cause long term damage. They must not put unnecessary stress and must reassure the PP.
  • Confidentially
    all information must be kept confidential unless agreed in advanced. If any information is published the name must be anonymous.
  • Privacy
    only conducted research in public places. need to maintain confidential and anonymous data.