cllimate change

Cards (8)

  • what are human causes of climate change?
    • burning fossil fuels
    • deforestation
    • livestock production
    • chemical fertilisers
    • fluorinated and industrial gases
    • food waste
    • transport vehicles
  • what are natural causes of climate change?
    • axial tilt
    • solar variation
    • volcanic eruptions
    • continental drift
    • ocean current
    • natural forest fires
    • greenhouse gases
  • what is the effect of a change in hot weather for people and the environment?
    have an effect on people because hotter weather will mean that people will become more tired and not be able to work probably meaning that industries wont be able to work probably.
  • what is the effect of high Levels of rainfall for people? an effect on people by soil becoming dry meaning  that crops will be harder to grow which means that farmers won't get money and people will not get food.
  • what will warmer winters mean for people?
    effect on people who  do winter sports because there will be less snow for shorter periods of time meaning that they won't be able to do  their sport.
  • what will a Increased intensity of rainfall in Autumn and the Winter have a effect on people?
    effect on people because there will be more flooding meaning that people's homes will be destroyed and land that people grow crops to feed communities will be destroyed so their will be less food.
  • what will Hotter City Temperatures have a effect on people?
    effect on people because they will have to adapt to hotter temperatures meaning that people will have more air conditioning taking up more energy and that will become more expensive
  • what are solutions to climate change?
    • use less electricity
    • recycle
    • increase use of public transport
    • stop flying long distances on planes
    • using more green energy