Cards (8)

  • Humans did nor evolve to live in densely populated urban areas
  • the move towards urban living could account for some of the mental illness that we observe.
  • the rate of schizophrenia in urban areas is much higher than in rural areas
  • it has been known since 1939 that rates of schizophrenia are higher in urban areas.
  • Fairs and Dunham
    • Compared rates of schizophrenia in densely populated inner city areas of Chicago with less populated outskirts of the city
    • there wad a greater incidence of the disorder in inner city areas
  • The reason for higher rates of schizophrenia in urban areas is
    likely to be due to specific environmental features of urban life
  • Krabbeneam and van identified contributing factors to schizophrenia in urban life
    Poverty - levels of poverty are high in certain parts of urban
    areas, which could often result in high levels of expressed emotion in a household
    Substance abuse - this is often more common in urban areas. Cannabis use has been found to double the risk of schizophrenia.
    stress - caused by living in over populated and crowded areas.
  • the UN predict that 66% of the worlds population will be living in an urban area by 2050