2500 BC – Researchers found that in ancient China, games similar to football were played, using balls made of animal skin.
AD 217 – British Soldiers said that they started playing the game by kicking the skulls of defeated Roman soldiers from a liberated village.
600-1600 – Mexican and Central American people played rubber ball games which were similar in some ways to football
History of Football
1830’s – The modern form of football originated from England.
1863 – The Football Association is founded in England.
1904 – FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) boasts 209 members, rivaling that of the United Nations, and is arguably the most prestigious sports organization in the world.
1908 – Football became an Olympic event
The Football Field
International Standard – dimensions must not exceed 110x75m or be less than 100x64m
The Football Field
Field Positions
Defenders – Right Back , Centre Back, Left Back
Midfielders – Centre Att. Mid, Defensive Mid, Left & Right Mid.
Forwards – Centre Forward (Striker), Right & Left Wing
Who is involved in Football
The players
The referee & Assistant Referees (linesman)
The Coaches
The Spectators
The Media
Basic Football Rules
Starting the game – “coin toss” by captains in the referee’s presence
The Kick Off – taken In the center circle
Used to start the game
Restart the match after a goal is scored
Start of the second half
Three ways to restart a game after the ball leaves the field…
The Goal Kick
Corner Kick
Throw In
Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
Trips or attempting to trip an opponent
Charging at an opponent
Strike an opponent
Push an opponent
Tackle an opponent without winning the ball
Awarded when a foul is committed
Direct Freekick – awarded when a foul is committed
Penalty Kick – awarded when a foul is committed in the 18yard box (penalty area)