Social isolation

Cards (7)

  • schizophrenics are often very socially isolated from others. They may have few friends, be estranged from family, and are more likely to live alone.
  • Simple explanation is the illness itself causes the schizophrenic to be isolated from mainstream society. the schizophrenic may struggle to communicate with others. Their behaviour may be disturbing and confusing to others.
  • However, Faris (1934) suggested that social isolation may also be self-imposed. The schizophrenic may find interaction with others to be stressful and confusing, and so they may retreat and withdraw from society. This self-imposed isolation cuts the individual off from feedback about what behaviours or thoughts are inappropriate. in the absence of corrective feedback, their symptoms get worse.
  • Jones et al 

    Conducted a longitudinal study of over 5000 children. Out of the sample, 30 participants were diagnosed with schizophrenia. These individuals were more likely to show solitary play preference at ages 4 and 6 years
  • Social interaction is vital for healthy emotional and psychological development. A lack of positive social interaction at an early age may leave children more prone to stress and social anxiety. Children who lack any social networks or social interaction may have no-one to provide feedback about their thoughts and behaviours. This lack of corrective feedback allows that individual to nurture these inappropriate ways of thinking and behaving, and so the strange behaviour can flourish unchecked
  • This could explain some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Many non-schizophrenic people often have delusional thoughts, and most of the time these are harmless and quickly pass. E.g. Believing a partner is being unfaithful despite there being nO evidence, or a belief that something bad is about to happen such as losing your job.
  • For people with a strong social network, these beliefs would be
    challenged by friends who would be able to point out the errors in
    these thoughts, or help the person find evidence to the contrary. However, for people who have little or no social network, these
    thoughts remain unchallenged, and may over time become
    resistant to change, even when alternative evidence is presented