depression, war and recovery

Subdecks (2)

Cards (58)

  • Foreign policy followed by Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain between 1935 and 1937

    Purpose was to avoid war by appeasing Hitler through: discussion, negotiation, compromise
  • Peace settlement: June 1919
    Aims: to weaken Germany, prevent war
  • Germany couldn't have a navy, had 100,000 armed forces
  • Rhineland was demilitarised
  • League of Nations: 19101930 x
  • War guilt clause, Germany to blame
  • People in Britain and Europe thought the peace settlement was too harsh
  • Britain and Europe were for-peace, weren't prepared for war
  • Communism was a threat, Hitler was anti-communism, so he was seen as an ally
  • There were sympathisers for Hitler
  • Winston Churchill was against appeasement, missed opportunities
  • Britain was seen as weak, cowardice, Austria and Czechoslovakia felt abandoned
  • Appeasement didn't stop the war
  • Hitler's first steps to war

    • Conscription and Rearmament
    • Rhineland
    • Austria
    • Munich conference
    • Czechoslovakia
    • USSR and Nazi-Soviet pact
    • Poland
  • Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles by calling up 100,000 soldiers, Britain and France did not respond
  • Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland on 7 March 1936, only had 22,000 soldiers, told to retreat but met with no resistance
  • Attempt made to unite Germany and Austria
  • Hitler invaded Austria
    12th March 1938
  • Britain still did nothing
  • Hitler tried to take over Sudetenland
  • 3 million German speakers in Sudetenland
  • Hitler met with Neville Chamberlain and was allowed to have Sudetenland
    28 September 1938
  • Attempt to avoid war
  • Agreed not to fight