Evaluation- Questionnaires

Cards (2)

  • Evaluation - strengths: questionnaires 

    +quick and easy: large amount of data in a short space of time
    +easy to analyse: especially closed questions and often easy to compare answers and spots trends in data.
    +fewer researcher effects: don't usually sit with PP so less chance to unconsciously influence.
    +standardised: can replicate questionnaire to asses answers for reliability.
  • Evaluation - weaknesses: questionnaires 

    -low response rates: number of people returning questionnaire often quite low so means the ones that are returned will be from bias sample so not representative and can't be generalised to whole population.
    -difficult to analyse: time consuming and difficult to analyse as its qualitative data so subjective interpretation.
    -Social desirability bias: might not respond truthfully and very easy to lie on the test and answer to see them in a positive light.