Cards (7)

  • What do Marxists think about the family
    Society is a structure of different parts which are all controlled by the bourgeoisie who aim to subdue the proletariat
  • What does Marx think of the family
    The family exists to benefit capitalism and maintain the exploitative society by internalising the norms & values of the ruling class
  • How does capitalism maintain the exploitative society through capitalism according to Marx
    Selling goods for money, making the proletariat earn their wages through labour so that they can buy goods that are advertised to them
  • What does Engels think of the family
    Women are exploited in the family due to capitalism - marriage confined a woman’s sexual activities thus ensuring a male supremacy in the family, their role became dependent to produce legitimate heirs, to stay at home & to be domestic servants.
  • A03 of Engels
    • Murdock argues the nuclear family positively impacts the socialisation of the ‘value consensus’ to ensure societal stability 
    • & the family performs an economic function to depend on each other instead of capitalism 
    • & provides the reproductive function to ensure humankind survival not that of capitalism 
    • Somerville, Engels exaggerates the comfort family provides as there is much conflict present
  • A03 of Zaretsky
    • Postmodernists argue Zaretsky’s work is outdated and unrepresentative of all family types 
    • Postmodernists argue not all women reproduce & some choose to remain childless (McAllister & Clark parenting is a low status occupation)
  • What does Zaretsky think of the Nuclear Family

    Used as an ideological state apparatus to promote capitalist interests 
    • organised in a hierarchy to discourage workers from questioning the nature of Capitalism 
    • Socialises children to accept authority without question 
    • Families reproduce the next generation of labour power by passing learnt ideas 
    • Teach children the route to happiness is through consumerism & materialism