
Cards (4)

  • Reoccurring worm's eye view framing throughout Trainspotting, symbolises life with limited perspective and ambition, being one step away from the gutter. Evident in the opening sequence, with a low-shot of running and again in the drug house, with Renton on the floor.
  • Sightseers employs realism in the opening scenes by camerawork being handheld and using a two-shot with Tina behind the door to make clear her marginalisation in Carol's life.
  • Carol taunts Tina with Poppy's leash and accuses her of "running away from guilt", symbolic of Tina's entrapment and could be read as her being her mother's pet.
  • In comparison, the final shot with Tina left standing alone and completely in charge of her own destiny shows the conclusion of what's been built towards throughout the film, in terms of empowerment.