Cells first discovered by Robert Hooke (1665) in cork bark
what is the cell theory and the info behind it
Hooke used the term “cell” because the tiny compartments reminded him of a monk’s cell
“Cell” comes from the Latin cellameaning “small room”
Due to sample studied, Hooke observed cell walls of dead cells
viruses vs cell theory
Viruses don’t cell propagate, they take over another cell (don’t arise from existing cells)
history of cell theory
In the mid-1800s a general theory emerged about the nature and significance of cells
In 1838, German botanist Matthias Schleiden confirmed that plant parts are composed of cells(cell walls made it easy to identify individual cells)
In 1839, German biologist Theodor Schwann confirmed that animals are also composed of cells
scheliden and Schwann "cell theory"
Organisms are made up of one or more cells
The cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms
New cells arise only from existing cells
early microscopes
Hooke was able to observe cork cells in 1665 using microscope developed by Antoine van Leeuwenhoek
The single lens (small glass ball) microscope was able to magnify 300X
In 1676, van Leeuwenhoek reported the discovery of microorganisms
light microscope
Light Microscopes increase magnification as light passes through a series of transparent lenses made of glass/calcium fluoride crystals. Includes compound and dissecting microscopes
compound microscope
Compound microscopes magnify up to 1500X and can distinguish organisms > 2 μm in diameter.
Light must be able to pass through specimen, need to use thinly sliced material. In the lab you will be using a Leica DM750
dissecting microscope
Dissecting (stereo-) microscopes have lowermagnification (30X) but allow three-dimensional viewing of opaque objects
more of a handheld magnifying glass
electron microscopes
Electron Microscopes (1920’s) enhance resolution by using a beam of electrons to visualize samples.
They are however,bulky, expensive, and require chemical preservation and skill
doesn't allow for colour in images
transmission electron microscopes
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) magnify200,000X and require specimen to be sectioned very thin,<100 nm.
scanning electron microscope
Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) magnify10,000X and can obverse surface of thick specimens.
SEM image is thick
for 3D things
Fluorescence microscope
Fluorescence microscopes use fluorescence to generate an image. Magnify up to 1500X and allow study of living cells.
what are the 2 types of fluorescence microscope
confocal and epifluorescence
epifluorescence microscope
Epifluorescence microscopes are equippedwith xenon arc or mercury vapour lamps toexcite fluorescent compounds, fluorophores
excite all cell layers
light coming from bottom so it gets hazy
confocal microscope
Confocal microscopes use lasers to generateoptical sections of thick specimens. Developed in the 1960’s, but isolation of green fluorescentprotein (GFP) in the 90’s, increased its popularity.
specify the layer you are looking for (thick)
excite one layer
observing living cells and the activity of fluorescent proteins
what is Autofluorescence in plant tissues
Autofluorescence is the florescence of naturally
occurring substances in plants and animals.
Allows visualization of cell structures and organelles via fluorescence without staining or introduction of transgenic fluorescent proteins
cell membrane
Semi-permeable barriers that control movement of substances in and out. Cell membranes are fluid and flexible
carbohydrates in cell membrane
Carbohydrates are attached or embedded in phospholipid bilayer. Provide structure support and cell recognition (cell-to-cell, cell-to-pathogen)
proteins in cell membrane
Proteins embedded in phospholipid bilayer control selective transport across membrane, function as receptors and serve as attachment sites
phospholipid bilayer
Phospholipid bilayer made up of hydrophobic (“water hating”) fatty acid tails and hydrophilic (“water loving”) phosphate heads
Small things can pass through phospholipid bilayer but big things through proteins
plasma membrane
Plasma membranes separatethe interior of a cell from theiroutside environment. on inside of cell wall
Organelles are distinct cell structures with specific function that are surrounded by one or two membranes.
The nucleus is the site of DNA storage and translation; the nucleolus in centresynthesizes ribosomes.
The nucleus is an organelle surrounded by a double membrane known as the nuclear envelope.
Can observe nucleus and nucleolus on low microscope
Cytoplasm is all the cell contents within theplasma membrane excluding the nucleus.
Is grainy under microscope
Cytosol is the fluid portion of cytoplasm.
Protoplasm is the cytoplasm and thenucleus (entire living cell).
Protoplast can refer to the living cell withinthe cell wall or plant cells that have had theircell walls enzymatically removed.
Cytoplasmic organelles (distinct structures surrounded by one to two membranes) shared by plants and animals
sites of protein synthesis that “read” mRNA
Endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum transportation system and protein folding
Golgi arranged into dicytosome (plant) or golgi apparatus (animals), modify proteins from ER and package into vesicles. like stacked pancakes
Mitochondria perform aerobic respiration to produce ATP
Vesicles contain liquid or cytoplasm, used for storage or transport
Plastids make or store food and/or pigment
Chloroplast is a type of plastid
Not all plastids are chloroplast
Leucoplasts are pigment-free plastids thatsynthesize and store starch (amyloplast),oil (elaioplast) and protein (proteinoplast)
Chromoplasts (Greek chroma =colour)are pigmented plastids responsible fortissue colour (leaves, flowers and fruits).Pigments can be chlorophyll (green),carotenoid (yellow, orange, red), andanthoxanthin (yellow)
Chloroplasts are chromoplasts that contain chlorophyll pigment (latin chloro = “yellow-green”) and are the site of photosynthesis.• Have two (2) membranes and acircular chromosome• Have series of internal, membrane-bound sacs called thylakoidsFig.9.5. Elodea sp. leaf 400X mag
Cells can have 1-100’s of chloroplasts
Plastids can change from one type to another in a process known as interconversion
Proplastids are undifferentiated plastids; differentiation dependent on tissue, developmentalstage and environmental conditions (example: lightor no light).