Considerations - Patterns or common themes that emerge from the data.
Data Analysis Purpose - To answer the research questions and to help determine the trends and relationships among the variables
Descriptive Analysis - these summarize the data and describe sample characteristics.
Descriptive Statistics
Are numerical values obtained from the sample that gives meaning to the data collected.
Mode – a numeric value in a distribution that occurs most frequently.
Median – an index of average position in a distribution of numbers.
Mean – the point of the score scale that is equal to the sum of the scores divided by the total number of scores.
Range – the distance between the highest score and the lowest score in the distribution.
Standard Deviation – the commonly used measure of variability that indicates the average to which the scores deviate from the mean.
Inferential Statistics - are numerical values that enable the researcher to draw conclusion about a population based on the characteristics of a population sample.
Contingency table – is essentially a two-dimensional frequency in which the frequencis of two variables are cross-tabulated.
Correlation – the most common method of describing the relationship between two measures.
t-test is used to examine the difference between the means of two independent groups
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - is used to test the significance of differences between means of two or more groups.
Chi-square - this is used to test hypotheses about the proportion of elements that fall into various cells of a contingency table.
Narrative or textual form - This is composed of summary of findings, direct quotations and implications of the study.
Tables - Tables are used to present a clear and organized data. This is utilized for easy analysis and interpretation of data.