Developmental stages

Cards (30)

  • Freud believed that kids developed by going through psychosexual stages
  • First stage of psychosexual development is oral stage and it is in kids 0-1
  • Second stage of psychosexual development is the anal stage and it is in kids 1-3
  • Third stage of psychosexual development is the phallic stage and it is in kids ages 3-6, and this is where Oedipus complex forms
  • Fourth stage of psychosexual development is the latent stage and it is in kids ages 6-12 with no sexual motivatipn
  • Fifth stage of psychosexual development is the genital stage and it is in kids 12 to adult, which leads to adult sexuality
  • According to Freud, superego forms during the phallic stage of development
  • According to Freud, if children fail to pass through stages then they experience fixation
  • Erik Erikson was concerned with stages of psychosocial development
  • First stage of Erikson's theory is called trust vs. mistrust in the age of 1
  • Second stage of Erikson's theory is called autonomy vs. doubt in the age of 2
  • Third stage of Erikson's theory is called initiative vs. guilt and is in the age of 3-5
  • Fourth stage of Erikson's theory is called industry vs. inferiority and is in the age of 6-12
  • Fifth stage of Erikson's theory is identity vs. role confusion and is in the age of 12-18
  • Sixth stage of Erikson's theory is intimacy vs. isolation and is in the age of 18-40
  • Seventh stage of Erikson's theory is generativity vs. stagnation and it is in the age of 40-65
  • Eight stage of Erikson's theory is integrity vs. despair and is in the age of 65 and above
  • Erik Erikson is the most concerned with the development of identity
  • Identity moratorium is the first step when teenagers in the stage of identity vs. role confusion try to develop a set of identity values
  • If the person just ends up duplicating identities of others, then it is called identity foreclosure
  • If person ends up having no sense of identity and no motivation to explore it, it is called identity diffusion
  • If the person successfully establishes identity, it is called identity achievement
  • Lev Vygotsky is the most concerned with the performance development
  • Vygotsky believed that progress happens by spending time in the zone of proximal development: a difficulty level impossible for someone by themselves without the help of coach
  • Vygotsky's theory is different from Freud and Erickson in a way that it is continuous
  • Moral development theory was developed by Kohlberg (remember that if you are immoral you get kohl for Christmas)
  • Level 1 of moral development is called preconventional morality and it has 2 stages: first concerned with avoiding punishments and second is concerned with seeking rewards (on family level)
  • Level 2 of moral development is called conventional morality and this is where most people are: first stage is avoiding social disapproval and second stage is following rules
  • Level 3 of moral development is called postconventional morality and it is concerned with stage 1: following social contract and stage 2 following a system of universal ethics
  • This is Erikson's theory
    A) trust vs. mistrust
    B) 0-1
    C) autonomy vs. doubt
    D) 2
    E) initiative vs. guilt
    F) 3-5
    G) industry vs. inferiority
    H) 6-12
    I) identity vs. confusion
    J) 12-18
    K) Intimacy vs. isolation
    L) 18-40
    M) generativity vs. stagnation
    N) 40-65
    O) Integrity vs. despair
    P) 65 and above