Understand the following about floods and flooding:
Causes; impacts, predicting flood risk and recurrence intervals, methods of preventing and ameliorating floods through: forecasts and warnings; hard engineering (dams, straightening, levées, and diversion spillways; soft engineering
Case studies required for this topic are: You need to know about a recent river flood event and have details about the causes of the flood (human and physical causes), the impact on people, the impact on the environment evaluating the attempts to reduce the impact of the flood.
Vertical erosion caused the river to cut down, creating a steep valley. Weathering on the sides widens the valley into a V Shape. The river winds around the areas of hard rock, resulting in projections of highlands on alternate sides of the valley.
Soft rock is eroded quicker than hard rock. Abrasion and hydraulic action undercut the hard cap rock above, causing it to collapse. The collapsed material erodes the river's bed by abrasion, forming a deep plunge pool. This process continues causing the waterfall to retreat upstream, leaving a steep-sided gorge downstream.