Unit 2 topic 1

Cards (48)

  • Diurnal energy budget

    The amount of energy entering a system, the amount leaving the system, and the energy transfer within the system
  • Factors affecting the diurnal energy budget

    • Incoming (shortwave) solar radiation
    • Reflected solar radiation
    • Energy absorbed into the surface and subsurface
    • Albedo
    • Sensible heat transfer
    • Longwave radiation
    • Latent heat transfer – evaporation, dew and absorbed energy returned to Earth
  • We live at the bottom of an invisible ocean called the atmosphere, a layer of gases surrounding our planet
  • Gases in dry air

    • Nitrogen
    • Oxygen
    • Argon
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Helium
    • Neon
  • Water vapour and dust are also part of Earth's atmosphere
  • The atmosphere acts as a gigantic filter, keeping out most ultraviolet radiation while letting in the Sun's warming rays
  • Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to living things and is what causes sunburns
  • Solar heat is necessary for all life on Earth
  • Layers of the atmosphere

    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Thermosphere
    • Exosphere
    • Ionosphere
  • Troposphere
    • Lowest atmospheric layer
    • Almost all weather develops in the troposphere because it contains almost all of the atmosphere's water vapour
    • Air in the troposphere thins as altitude increases
    • Solar heat penetrates the troposphere easily
    • Absorbs heat reflected back from the ground in a process called the greenhouse effect
  • Stratosphere
    • Calm with strong horizontal winds
    • Very dry with rare clouds
    • Contains ozone which prevents harmful UV rays from reaching Earth
  • Mesosphere
    • Coldest temperatures in the atmosphere, dipping as low as -120 degrees Celsius
    • Highest clouds in the atmosphere
  • Ionosphere
    • Reflects particles from solar wind
    • Conducts electricity and creates auroras
  • Thermosphere
    • Thickest layer in the atmosphere
    • Contains mostly oxygen, helium, and hydrogen
    • Absorbs X-rays and ultraviolet radiation, propelling molecules to high speeds and temperatures
    • Despite high temperatures, there is little heat transfer due to low pressure
  • Energy budget

    The amount of energy entering a system, the amount leaving the system, and the energy transfer within the system
  • Components of the global energy budget

    • Incoming solar radiation (insolation)
    • Reflected by clouds
    • Reflected by surface (albedo)
    • Absorbed by atmospheric gases
    • Absorbed by clouds
    • Absorbed by Earth's surface
    • Outgoing longwave radiation
    • Latent heat transfer (evaporation and condensation)
  • Factors controlling the amount of incoming solar radiation the Earth receives

    • Solar constant (energy released by the Sun)
    • Distance from the Sun
    • Angle of incidence of insolation
    • Length of day and night
  • Local daytime energy budget

    1. Reflected solar radiation
    2. Longwave radiation
    3. Evaporation using energy from the surface
    4. Sensible heat transfer
    5. Heat transfer into the soil
  • Albedo
    The reflectivity of a surface, expressed as a percentage
  • ted
    Solar radiation
  • Solar radiation
    Long-wave radiation
  • Evaporation
    Using energy from the surface
  • Sensible heat transfer

    1. Grass-covered surface
    2. Heat transfer into the soil (surface absorption)
  • As the radiation from the Sun passes through the atmosphere, some is absorbed by liquids, gases and solids. Some is reflected and scattered, especially by the tops of clouds.
  • A high albedo means the surface reflects most of the radiation that hits it and absorbs the rest. A low albedo means a surface reflects a small amount of the incoming radiation and absorbs the rest.
  • Albedo examples

    • Fresh snow reflects up to 95 per cent
    • Dark surfaces have a low albedo
    • Light surfaces have a high albedo
    • Thin clouds reflect 30-40 per cent
    • Thicker clouds reflect 50-70 per cent
    • Towering cumulonimbus clouds can reflect up to 90 per cent
  • Incoming solar radiation is converted into heat energy when it reaches the surface of the Earth.
  • Incoming solar radiation exceeds outgoing heat energy for many hours after noon, and equilibrium is usually reached in mid-afternoon, from 3-5 p.m.
  • Factors affecting energy absorbed by surface and subsurface

    • Presence of large bodies of water
    • Snow cover
    • Conduction will transfer some incoming energy from the surface into the sub-surface soil and rocks
  • Light-coloured soil or rock
    Poor conductor, so heating will mainly be confined to the surface
  • Dark volcanic soil or dark rocks
    Low albedos of 5-10 per cent, will absorb heat well
  • Moisture content of sub-surface soil

    Affects its ability to conduct heat
  • Coarse sandy soil with large pore spaces
    Poor conductor of heat, so the heat will concentrate on the surface
  • Soil with high water content
    Conducts heat down into the sub-surface, so surface will be cooler
  • Wind
    • Can remove heat quickly from a land surface
  • Cloud cover and water vapour in the atmosphere

    • Affect the amount of reflection of incoming radiation and the amount that reaches the surface and sub-surface
  • Long wave radiation

    Radiation emitted by the Earth's surface as it warms up, at a longer wavelength than incoming solar radiation
  • 94 per cent of long wave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, warming the atmosphere and producing the natural greenhouse effect. The remaining 6 per cent is lost to space.
  • Sensible heat transfer

    The energy required to change the temperature of a substance with no phase change
  • Latent heat transfers

    The energy absorbed by or released from a substance during a phase change from a gas to a liquid or a solid or vice versa