
Cards (57)

  • Muscles of Head and Neck

    • Muscles of Mastication
    • Hyoid Muscles
    • Cervical muscles
    • Muscles of facial expression
    • Muscles of the tongue
    • Muscles of the pharynx
  • Muscles of Mastication
    4 Pairs: Masseter, Temporalis, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid
  • Origin
    Attached to the least movable structure
  • Insertion
    Attached to the more movable structure
  • Action

    The movement when the muscle fibers contract
  • Muscles of Mastication
    • All originate on the Cranium
    • All insert into the mandible
  • Actions of Muscles of Mastication
    • Depression
    • Elevation
    • Protrusion
    • Retraction
    • Lateral deviation
  • Innervation of Muscles of Mastication
    V3 (Third division of the trigeminal)
  • Masseter Muscle

    Has two heads: Superficial and Deep
  • Masseter Muscle
    • Both heads originate from the zygomatic arch
    • Both heads insert on the external surface of the mandible
  • Masseter Muscle Action
    Elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw
  • Masseter Muscle Innervation

    Innervated by the masseteric nerve, a branch of the mandibular nerve (V3)
  • Temporalis Muscle

    Fan-shaped muscle
  • Temporalis Muscle
    • Origin: Temporal fossa
    • Insertion: Coronoid process
  • Temporalis Muscle Action
    • Elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw
    • If only the posterior fibers contract, the muscle moves the lower jaw backward, causing retraction of the mandible
  • Temporalis Muscle Innervation

    Innervated by the deep temporal nerve, a branch of the mandibular nerve (V3)
  • Medial Pterygoid Muscle

    The deepest muscle of mastication, has two heads: superficial and deep
  • Medial Pterygoid Muscle

    • Deep head origin: Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
    • Superficial head origin: Maxillary tuberosity
    • Both heads insert on the medial surface and angle of the mandible
  • Pterygomandibular Space
    • Formed by the Lateral pterygoid muscle (roof), the Medial pterygoid muscle (medial wall), and the Mandibular ramus (lateral wall)
    • It is the injection site for the inferior alveolar block
  • Medial Pterygoid Muscle Action
    Elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw
  • Medial Pterygoid Muscle Innervation
    Medial pterygoid nerve, a branch of V3
  • Lateral Pterygoid Muscle

    Has two separate heads of origin: Superior and Inferior
  • Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
    • Superior head origin: Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
    • Superior head insertion: Anterior surface of the neck of the mandibular condyle at the pterygoid fovea
    • Inferior head origin: Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
    • Inferior head insertion: Anterior surface of the neck of the mandibular condyle at the pterygoid fovea
  • Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Action
    • The only muscle of mastication that assists in depressing the mandible
    • When both muscles contract, the lower jaw moves forward causing the protrusion of the mandible
    • If only one muscle contracts, the lower jaw shifts to the contralateral side, causing lateral deviation of the mandible
  • Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Innervation
    Lateral pterygoid nerve, a branch of the mandibular nerve V3
  • Hyoid Bone
    Horseshoe-shaped bone suspended inferior to the mandible, does not articulate with any other bone
  • Hyoid Muscle Groups

    • Suprahyoid Muscles: Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid, Stylohyoid, Digastric
    • Infrahyoid Muscles: Thyrohyoid, Omohyoid, Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid
  • Hyoid Muscles

    • All attach to the hyoid bone, except the sternothyroid muscle
  • Suprahyoid Muscles

    Muscles superior to the hyoid bone
  • Suprahyoid Muscles Action
    • Elevation of the hyoid bone and larynx
    • Cause the mandible to depress and the jaws to open along with lateral pterygoids
  • Digastric Muscle

    Has two separate bellies: anterior and posterior
  • Digastric Muscle

    • Anterior belly origin: Digastric fossa on the medial surface of the mandible
    • Anterior belly insertion: Intermediate tendon which passes through a pulley attached to the hyoid bone
    • Posterior belly origin: Mastoid notch, medial to the mastoid process of the temporal bone
    • Posterior belly insertion: Intermediate tendon which passes through a pulley attached to the hyoid bone
  • Digastric Muscle Action
    Elevates the hyoid bone or depresses the mandible
  • Digastric Muscle Innervation
    • Anterior belly: mylohyoid nerve (V3)
    • Posterior belly: posterior digastric nerve (VII)
  • Mylohyoid Muscle
    Deep to the digastric muscle, fibers run between the two mandibular rami
  • Mylohyoid Muscle

    • Origin: Mylohyoid line on the medial surface of the mandible
    • Insertion: Right and left muscles unite medially at the mylohyoid raphe, forming the floor of the mouth
    • Most posterior fibers insert on the body of the hyoid bone
  • Mylohyoid Muscle Action
    Elevates the hyoid bone, depresses the mandible, forms the floor of the mouth
  • Mylohyoid Muscle Innervation
    Mylohyoid nerve (a branch of the IA which is a branch of V3)
  • Stylohyoid Muscle
    • Origin: Styloid process
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
  • Stylohyoid Muscle Action
    Elevates the hyoid bone