Final Exam - Review 1 and 2

Cards (78)

  • Europe was the center of Western Culture in the Middle Ages.
  • The Law of Moses is found in the Hebrew Scriptures.
  • God's immanence refers to his presence in creation, He is also transcendent ( beyond )
  • "Philosophy" literally means "love of wisdom"
  • According to Plato, the soul is immortal
  • The Greek Polis referred to the common life of the inhabitants of a Greek city.
  • Aristotle believed only virtue was necessary to live a happy life. (True or False)
    FALSE, he believed we needed some material goods or needs as well.
  • Virtue must be habitual to be virtue.
  • Marcus Aurelius was the last emperor of the Pax Romana. ( 100s AD )
  • Political instability contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.
  • "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church" means that the experience of religious persecution actually helped grow the Christian church.
  • Christian teachings in ancient times were intellectually attractive.
  • The baptism of Clovis is considered the beginning of the nation of France.
  • The Renaissance began in Italy.
  • Sola Scriptura was the Protestant principle that the Bible is the sole infallible authority for Christian belief and practice.
  • Martin Luther was never executed for his beliefs.
  • The Enlightenment emphasized the power of reason as a means of increasing knowledge.
  • Descartes confirmed his own existence as certain from the fact that he could think.
    "I think therefore I am"
  • Protestants were united in a single denomination for the first 100 years of Protestantism. (True or False)
    FALSE, they never unite into a single denomination.
  • African Slavery was a major part of the English colonies from the moment of their founding. (True or False)

    FALSE, it was not a major part of the English colonies until the colonies developed later on.
  • Britain in the 1760s was a class society with minimal social mobility.
  • Most adult males in eighteen-century Britain had the right to vote. ( True or False)
    FALSE, had to have land in order to vote, which only those of the higher class could own land.
  • A "court" government was one in which the king had placemen in Commons.
  • The population of British North America was 2.1 Million by 1770.
  • The Industrial Revolution first occurred in Western culture.
  • The pre-industrial shop was headed by a master craftsman
  • The industrial factory typically included machines and unskilled workers
  • Adam Smith asserted that human beings by nature wish to trade
    ( only human beings )
  • Adam Smith asserted that division of labor produced many efficiencies, and was very helpful with running the factories quickly.
  • Homo economicus seeks to maximize his wealth.
  • Homo economicus is inconsistent and changeable in what he desires. (True or False)
    FALSE, human beings are consistent.
  • Psychological man was on an inward quest for psychological happiness.
  • The ego includes our reasoning faculty, according to Freud.
  • The super-ego consists of our basic instincts and impulses. (True or False)
    FALSE, the "id" consists of our basic instincts and impulses
  • A teacher who focuses on developing students' self-expression would be part of therapeutic culture.
  • Natural Law is of divine origin.
  • Legal positivism places law's authority in human institutions.
  • The rise of the Nazis produced a crisis in the understanding of Western law.
  • Adolph Eichmann claimed that he had acted according to the law of Germany, human beings.
  • We should study Western Culture because it is our culture.