Muscles and Bones

Cards (9)

  • Tendons
    Inelastic connective tissue that join muscles to bone
  • Ligaments
    Fibrous connective tissue that join bone to bone
  • Agonist
    Prime mover ⇒ the muscle that causes the desired action
  • Antagonist
    Muscle that has the opposite effect ⇒ yields movement
  • Synergists
    Muscles that indirectly help the prime mover ⇒ they steady the joint while its moving
  • Fixator
    If the synergist immobilises a joint ⇒ preventing unwanted movement
  • Origin
    The end of a muscle that is attached to a stationary bone
  • Insertion
    The other end of a muscle that is attached to a moveable bone
  • Belly
    Fleshy part of muscle