- specialised sense organ
CORNEA - transparent lens that refracts light as it enters eye
IRIS - controls how much light enters the pupil (no blood cells so oxygen diffuses in)
LENS - transparent disc that changes shape to ensure light focuses on retina (controlled by ciliary muscles)
RETINA - has light receptor cells - rods (light intensity) + cones (colour)
OPTIC NERVE - sensory neurone that carries impulses between eye + brain (from retina)
PUPIL - hole that allows light to enter the eye
SCLERA - tough outer layer that protects eye
CILIARY MUSCLES - ring of muscle that contracts + relaxes to change shape of lens
SUSPENSORY LIGAMENTS - ligaments connecting lens to ciliary muscle
FOVEA - region of retina that has the highest density of cones (colour detecting cells)
CONJUNCTIVA - lubricates + protects the surface of eye