Minority Influence

Cards (5)

  • Moscovici (1969)

    Conducted experiments on minority influence
  • Experiment procedure
    1. Participants divided into groups of 6 (4 real participants and 2 confederates)
    2. Told they were taking part in a study of visual perception
    3. Shown 36 shades of blue
    4. Asked to say out loud what the colour was
  • Control group
    • Participants said the colours were green 0.25% of the time
  • Inconsistent minority group

    • Confederates said 24/36 colours were green
    • Participants said the colours were green 1.25% of the time
  • Consistent minority group
    • Confederates said 36/36 colours were green
    • Participants said the colours were green 8.4% of the time