Sources of Wisdom & Authority

Cards (9)

  • Bible: St Paul said all scripture is inspired by God
  • Magisterium: CCC says the role of interpreting the bible has been entrusted to the Magisterium
  • Second Vatican Council: Joy and hope describes human rights and peace and equality for all
  • Second Vatican Coucil: Sacred council introduced mass which was in the local language of the people
  • Church as the body of Christ: Paul says Christians are one body of Christ
  • The Four Marks of the Church: Nicene Creed says I believe in one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church
  • Mary as a model of the Church: CCC says Mary is the mother of Christ and the mother of the Church
  • Mary as a model of the Church: In the Bible, Mary says "i am the Lords servant"
  • Sources of personal and ethical decision making: CCC says its important for Catholics to follow the voice of God