What is the functionalist perspective of the family?
Functionalists view the family as supporting the function of a healthy society; they state it is a key institution that supports socialorder and socialises the young into consensus values and norms.
What time period was functionalism developed?
The 1940s/50s.
According to functionalists, what is the ideal family type? why?
The nuclear family, this is an ideal family type for the effectiveperformance of functions in modern society.
What year did Parsons develop his theory of the family?
What did Parsons state the family was like in pre-industrial society?
There were extendedkinship networks where land and resources were shared and commonly owned. Plus, the family was a unit of small-scale production.
What did Parsons state the first change to the family was following industrialisation?
The family became geographically mobile, status achieved not ascribed, and nuclear families formed.
What did Parsons state was the second change to the family following industrialisation?
Functions once performed by the family were taken over by other societalinstitutions (e.g. production, healthcare, education) which meant the family focused on the stabilisationofadultpersonalities and primary socialisation of the young.
What is warm bath theory and who proposed it?
Parsons, a theory stating that the family acts like a warmbath, relieving everyday stresses and strains.
What did Parsons state was the third change to the family following industrialisation?
The emergence of the instrumentalrole for men (providing an income) and the expressiverole for women (comfort and care, proving a home).
What year did Murdock propose his theory of the family?
What did Murdock state were the four key functions of the family?
What did Fletcher state about family functions before and after industrialisation?
After industrialisation, the family has been able to perform morefunctions in a more detailed manner than before.
What are the key strengths of the functionalist view of the family?
Outlines positive aspects of family, recognition of importance of values in holding society together, family can work at both the individual and societal level, importance of family's role in socialisation of children.
What are the key weaknesses of the functionalist view of the family?
Warm bath theory is not always the case = dv, only focuses on positives of family, concentrates on nuclear family and doesn'tallow for other family types, parsons view = sexist.
How did Peter Laslett criticise Parson's view of the family?
Parish records from 1564-1821 showed only 10% of families contained extended kin.
How did Anderson criticise Parson's view of the family?
1851 census data in Preston showed that 23% of families in the earlyperiod of industrialisation included extended kin.