
Subdecks (1)

Cards (78)

  • Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Cells, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition.
  • Ciliated cells in animals are for the movement of mucus in the trachea and bronchi.
  • Root hair cells are for absorption
  • Palisade mesophyll cells are for photosynthesis
  • Red blood cells are for the transport of oxygen
  • Sperm and egg cells are for reproduction
  • Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a lower region of concentration as a result of their random movement.
  • Substances move in and out of cells through the cell membrane.
  • Osmosis is diffusion across a partially permeable membrane, where water molecules passively diffuse into or out of a solution until there is an equilibrium between the two sides.
  • Active transport requires energy (ATP) and moves substances against their concentration gradient.
  • Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (CH2O)
  • Fats are composed of long chains of hydrocarbon molecules. They contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
  • Starch and glycogen are made from glucose.
  • Proteins are made from amino acids
  • Lipids/Fats are made from fatty acids and glycerol.
  • Iodine is to test for starch
  • Benedicts solution is to test for reducing sugars.
  • Biuret test is for proteins.
  • Ethanol emulsion is the test for fats and oils.
  • An enzyme is a biological catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up.
  • Enzymes work best under certain temperatures and pH levels and they reduce activation energy by breaking reactants into smaller products in it's active site.
  • A too high or low pH and temperature may denature an enzyme, causing it to be unusable.
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates from raw materials using energy from light.
  • Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen. With the presence of light and chlorophyll.
  • Photosynthesis: 6CO2+6CO^2 +6H20>C6H(12)06+ 6H^20 -> C^6H(12)0^6 +6O2 6O^2
  • Chlorophyll transfers light energy into chemical energy.
  • Stomata, spongy mesophyll and guard cells are for gas exchange.
  • Nitrate ions are important for making amino acids and magnesium is important for making chlorophyll.
  • Ingestion is the taking in of substances through the mouth.
  • Digestion is the breakdown of large, insoluble food molecules into smaller, water-soluble molecules using mechanical and chemical processes.
  • Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of food without chemical change.
  • Absorption is the movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood.
  • Assimilation is the movement of digested molecules into the cells of the body where they are used, becoming part of the cells.
  • Egestion is the passing out of food that has
    not been digested, as feces, through the anus
  • the main regions of the alimentary canal
    and associated organs, including mouth, salivary
    glands, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine,
    pancreas, liver, gall bladder, large intestine and
  • the types of human teeth (incisors,
    canines, premolars and molars)
  • amylase breaks down starch to simpler
    protease breaks down protein to amino acids
    lipase breaks down fats to fatty acids and
  • the hydrochloric acid in
    gastric juice, limited to killing bacteria in food
    and giving an acid pH for enzymes
  • the role of bile in neutralising the acidic
    mixture of food and gastric juices entering the
    duodenum from the stomach, to provide a
    suitable pH for enzyme action