Bio explanations

Cards (12)

  • What is the definition of a romantic relationship?

    A relationship involving a strong and frequent interdependence, where partners influence each other in emotions, behaviour, and thought.

    Maslow = we need to be accepted by others, with relationships being the most important sources of happiness and unhappiness in people's lives.

    E.g., studies of elderlies in nursing homes indicate that a lack of social relationships is just as bad as smoking, obesity, or a lack of physical exercise. - Leo et al 2012.
  • Definition of love
    A deep tenderness, affection, and concern felt towards a person with whom you have a relationship.
  • Define attraction
    Having an interest, admiration and attention of another person. Attraction comes before love.
  • Define self-disclosure
    Sharing intimate, personal information about ourselves to others.
  • What are biological explanations for forming relationships?
    Argues that human attraction is due to natural selection, as we are attracted to traits that could be passed on to our potential offspring. Argument that attraction is only a physiological response that comes from hormones, neurotransmitters, and pheromones.
  • What are the 2 theories? and studies.
    Genetics and immune system functionality on male selection, Wedekind 1995 - natural selection, MHC gene influencing due to wanting offspring to have strong immune system = like others based on different MHC (argument for pheromones).

    Oxytocin and communication, Ditzen 2009 - Oxytocin plays a role in social bonds, increasing trust and affection in humans and animals. Trust forms and maintains a relationship.
  • what is the theory of genetics and immune system functionality on male selection?
    Natural selection - females choose males who have a different MHC gene to them which increases the immune system of the offspring. The MHC gene allows immune systems to recognise more pathogens.
  • wedekind 1995, aim, sample, procedure, findings, conclusions. Link to theory?
    aim - investigate whether MHC affects mate choice.

    sample - 49 females and 44 male uni students from different courses so they didn't know each other.

    procedure - men asked to wear a tshirt for two nights and to keep the tshirt in an open bag during the day.

    controls = perfume-free deodorant, perfume-free soap, not using perfume, not smoking or drinking alcohol, not eating spicy food and not having sex.

    Women then ranked the 7 tshirts (3 of the same MHC, 3 of different, and one control), asked to do this 2 weeks after their menstrual cycle and to take a nose spray for 14 days before. They scored the odours on pleasantness (0-10).

    Results - Women ranked higher for those in a different MHC group, suggesting that MHC influences mate choices. Contraceptives changes this effect and reversed it implying that oral pills change a females sense of smell influencing their partner choice.

    Conclusion - Women preferred the odours of men from a different MHC gene and different immune systems because of the idea that it would increase the survival of their offspring. Therefore there is an evolutionary explanation for mate choices and attraction through biological factors.

    Link = MHC recognises pathogens and increases the immune system, more diverse MHC means healthier offspring.
  • Critical thinking for wedekind 1995
    Was a double-blind experiment, meaning researchers and participants didn't know the aim and therefore had no influence.
    The study had loads of controls, making it more valid and reliable.
    Supports the evolutionary argument for mate selection in humans which has been replicated by other researchers.

    Student = YAVIS (Young, affluent, verbal, intelligent, social).
    The theory is too reductionist and simplifies mate selection to just biological as it ignores cognitive or sociocultural reasons.
    Cannot explain same-sex relationships where couples cannot procreate naturally.
  • What to include in the discussion para?
    Birth control changes attraction - women on bc when meeting their partner chose someone with less testosterone features and women not on bc chose someone with more testosterone (e.g., facial hair). Therefore bc may be more important than the MHC gene in the forming of relationships due to its high usage around the world.
  • Ditzen 2009 aim, procedure, finding, conclusion and link.
    Aim - investigate role of oxytocin in how couples engage in an argument. Predicted that those with more oxytocin would engage more positively than others.

    Procedure - double-blind, placebo-controlled design with 47 heterosexual couples receiving either a placebo or oxytocin intranasally. They were also recorded when engaging about the topic which should cause conflict. It was then coded for verbal and non-verbal interaction as well as the stress hormone cortisol being measured from their saliva.

    Findings - both males and females oxytocin improved positive communication and reduced levels of cortisol meaning a stress reduction.

    Conclusion - oxytocin has a role in relationships. with positive behaviour being necessary for a relationship to last.
  • Critical thinking for Ditzen 2009
    2009 - high temporal validity.
    Double-blind - minimises demand.
    High controls and characteristics - cortisol measures and coded from the recording.

    Artificial lab - would the couples react the same as if they were at home? Shows construct and low ecological validity.
    Cannot explain same-sex relationships where couples cannot procreate naturally showing that it is not just biological.
    47 couples - not a big enough sample and cannot be applied to every relationship (individual differences).