
Cards (5)

  • Dr Raine found through his analysis of PET scans that damage to the prefrontal lobe (monitors and regulates our behaviour ) can cause more impulsive , aggressive behaviour . Men can also said to be more criminal than women as their lobe develops slower .
  • The amygdala is responsible for processing emotions such as fear and anger . Dr Adrian Raine has suggested that if this area is damaged it may lead to an increase in violent crime.
  • Case Studies :
    Phinneas Gage - severe damage to the frontal lobe after a metal rod went through his eye into his lobe , it gave us insight that the frontal lobe regulated behaviour and emotion as his personality completely changed
    Charles Whitman - he was found to have a brain Tumour after killing 14 inc his wife and mother in the Texas Tower massacre 1966
    --> correlation between brain tumours and criminality
  • Strengths of Brain injuries and disorders causing criminality:
    • Correlation between abnormal EEG readings and criminality
    • Prisoners are more likely than non prisoners to have brain injury.
    • In extreme cases like Phinneas Gage and Charles Whitman brain injury or disease has led to major changes in personality including criminal behaviour
  • Weaknesses:
    • Brain disease/injury is rare. Personality is likely to be a more important factor.
    • It’s not clear abnormal brainwave activity causes criminality. Some psychopathic criminals have normal EEG readings.
    • Prisoners higher likelihood of brain injury could be a result rather than a cause of their criminality – e.g. getting into fights.