A family with 2 adults that care for thier children
What was the New Right concerned about?
The rise in divorce, singleparent families, unwed couples having children+cohabitation
What are the New Right solutions to the problems/changes?
Traditionalnorms and values+ nuclear families need to come back-Redirect benefits to keep 2 parent families.
What did Denise and Erdos say?
Without the father the family would have poorhealth and lesseducation. The boys won't know there roles in the family and will become immature, anti-social, young men.
Why do changes occur in society?
Fathers are more likely to leave and neglect the children+don't give money to support the family- Feminists now devaluemarriage and domesticity
This leads to -Dependencyculture, educational failure+highcrime rates.
What did Charles Murray say?
The 'underclass' was growing+using welfarebenefits- Mainly singlemother- Single parenting is linked to crime.
'New Raddle'-underclass
'New Victorians'-upper middle class
Criticism of the New Right view
Abbott and Wallace 1992-Women aren't always happy to be a housewife+Children shouldn't be expected to work in Victorian England.