interdependence of organism

Cards (27)

  • a food chain is a diagram which shows the flow of energy from one organism to another as they eat one another
  • a pyramid of numbers shows the total number of individual organisms at each level in the food chain of an ecosystem
  • a pyramid of biomass shows the mass of each organism at each trophic level
  • a predator is an animal that naturally preys on others
  • a prey is an animal that is caught and killed by another for food
  • a consumer is an organism that gets its energy by eating plants or animals
  • a producer is an organism that creates its own food or energy
  • a herbivore is an organism that eats plants
  • an omnivore is an animal or person that eats animals and plants
  • a carnivore is an animal that eats other animals
  • a top carnivore is a predator that feeds on other animals but are not fed upon
  • a primary consumer is an organism that eats other organisms and is not a producer
  • a secondary consumer is an organism that eats the remains of another organism, which was eaten by a primary consumer
  • bioaccumulation is the process by which a substance builds up in the body of an organism
  • an ecosystem is the name given to plants and animals that are found in a particular location, and the area in which they live
  • a niche is the role an organism plays in a community
  • a community is the number of different species living in an area
  • a population is the number of one species living in an area
  • a habitat is where an organism lives
  • animals compete for:
    • food
    • mates
    • territory
  • plants compete for:
    • light
    • water
    • mineral ions
    • space
  • competition is the process by which living organisms compete with each other for limited resources
  • interspecific competition is between members of different species
  • intraspecific competition is between members of the same species
  • extremophiles are organisms that are able to survive and reproduce in extreme conditions
  • adaptation for insect pollination
    • nectar - food for insects
    • colourful petals - attracts insects
    • sticky pollen - attaches to insect
  • adaptations for wind pollination
    • dull petals
    • anthers hang loose - wind blows pollen
    • feathery stigma - traps pollen
    • lots of tiny pollen