communicable diseases

Cards (27)

  • communicable diseases are diseases that can be spread either directly or indirectly via another species, such as measles and chicken pox
  • non-communicable diseases cannot be spread, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease
  • a pathogen is a microorganism that causes disease
  • the 4 types of pathogens are:
    • protista
    • fungi
    • bacteria
    • virus
  • bacteria can reproduce rapidly inside the body and produce toxins that damage tissues and make us feel ill
  • viruses can live and reproduce inside cells causing cell damage
    • influenza is transferred by airbone droplet infection
    • hiv is transferred by direct contact
    • cholera is transferred via water
  • primary defences are the bodys initial barriers such as skin, mucus and stomach acid
  • the two types of white blood cells are phagocytes and lymphocytes
  • an antigen is a substance on pathogens that stimulates the production of antibodies
  • an antibody is a y shaped protein produced by b lymphocytes that binds to antigens
  • phagocytosis is the process where a type of white blood cell called a macrophage ingests and destroys a pathogen
  • b lymphocyte is a white blood cell that produced antibodies
  • an antitoxin neutralises the toxins released by pathogens
  • immune response is the bodys defence against foreign material such as pathogens
  • t lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell that recognises and destroys pathogens and coordinates the immune response
  • antibiotics are chemicals produced by microorganisms like fungi and kill bacteria
  • digitoxin
    • from foxglove
    • strengthens heartbeat for heart patients
    • large amounts can be toxic
  • aspirin
    • from bark of willow trees
    • anti inflammatory and pain reliever
  • penicillin was discovered by fleming when doing research on the growth of a bacteria
  • what makes a good drug:
    • efficacy
    • dosage
    • toxicity
    • efficient
  • stage 1 - drug is tested using computer models and human cells
    stage 2 - drug is tested on animals
    stage 3 - drug is tested on healthy volunteers
    stage 4 - drug is tested on volunteers with the illness
    stage 5 - drug istested on a large population
    stage 6 - drug is licenced to a company
  • cancer is a large group of diseases characterised by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
  • a benign tumour is the growth of abnormal cells in one place within a membrane. it doesnt spread but grows quickly
  • a malignant tumour spreads around the body invading healthy tissues
  • radiotherapy uses radiation to destroy cancer cells by stopping mitosis but it can damage healthy cells
  • chemotherapy uses chemicals to stop mitosis in cancer cells or make them self destruct